Reminder: (correction) Brandon Band Boosters Meeting - May 17th

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Brandon Band Boosters

Nominations are now being accepted for the 2021/22 Band Boosters Board of Directors.  If you are interested, please join us this evening or email your nomination to 

2021/22 Executive Board elections will take place during this meeting, please plan to attend.
Brandon Band Boosters Meeting
Monday, May 19th 6:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 920 2416 1812
Passcode: j8Hk45
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,92024161812#,,,,*673840# US (Houston)
+12532158782,,92024161812#,,,,*673840# US (Tacoma)

Hungry Howies Pizza Night - Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 18th !

2020/21 Band Boosters Executive Board

Brian Spencer, President
Jeff Hylton, Vice President
Patty Salter, Treasurer
Lynn Gilbert, Secretary
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