BHS News and Notes

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News and Notes for Brandon High School for the Week of March 8, 2021
This Week’s Schedule:
Monday – “B” Day (Hours 4-6)
Tuesday – “A” Day (Hours 1-3)
Wednesday – “B” Day (Hours 4-6)
Thursday – “A” Day (Hours 1-3)
Friday – No School
Parent Teacher Conferences:  PT Conferences are on both Tuesday and Wednesday this week from 4:00 – 7:00.  These will be done virtually.  We are asking that parents sign up for a time slot with each teacher by clicking HERE.
Scheduling for 2021-2022:  The scheduling process for next school year is underway.  The counseling staff will be meeting with our students this week to hand out scheduling cards and to go through the process.  Please help your student through this process in helping them select the classes that are most appropriate for them as they prepare for college / career after high school. All students should have their classes selected and submitted by March 17th.  Please see the Course Catalog for all classes that are offered at BHS.  We have also included an Accelerated Options sheet in this email with other scheduling options.
Seniors:  Herff-Jones will be here during all lunches on March 18th to distribute graduation announcements to any senior that ordered them.  Also, if you are still in need of ordering a cap and gown for graduation, call Herff-Jones at 734-725-5743.
Senior Scholarships:  Did you know that millions of dollars in scholarship money goes unused every year, just because seniors don’t apply for them.  Please see America’s Top 175 Scholarships to apply.  Also, please check in at the Counseling Office to obtain applications for local scholarships. 
Juniors SAT Testing:  Juniors will be taking the SAT test on April 13th.  It is highly recommended that all Juniors spend some time preparing for this very important college entrance exam.  One of the best ways in which to prepare is by utilizing Khan Academy’s online practice sessions. 

Free Breakfast:  Did you know that Brandon High School offers a free breakfast everyday to all students?  Tell your student to come to the cafeteria as soon as they get here in the morning.  What better way to start off your day than having a nutritious breakfast to get you started in the morning.  
Dress Code:  With the weather getting warmer this week, please be reminded of our dress code rules that can be found in our Student Handbook.  Students violating these rules, will have to call home in order to have proper clothing brought up to school to change into. 
Driver’s Education:  Driver’s Education at Brandon High school is done through Courtesy Driving School.  Please contact them for when and where updated classes will be held.  They can be reached at 1-800-256-9559 or by going to
Spirit Wear:  Do you need some Brandon Athletic Swag?  Please click HERE for BHS club and athletic apparel.    
Girl’s Track:  Any Girls interested in running Track this spring, there will be a meeting on Tuesday March 9th, 2:00pm in STEM lab room 141.  Girls Track Coaches will be Ms. Bandlow and Mrs. Hildebrand.
Dates to Place 
on Your Calendar Now:                    
March 9th -10th – Parent Teacher Conferences
March 12th – No School
March 17th – Online scheduling due for all students
March 26th – April 4th – Spring Break
April 5th – Return to School from Spring Break
April 13th – SAT (11th) and PSAT (9th) testing.  10th and 12th grade students stay home and do classes asynchronously. 
April 14th – Work Keys (11th ) and PSAT (10th) testing 9th and 12th grade students stay home and do classes asynchronously.
April 16th – End of Marking Period 3      
April 20th – MSTEP testing for all Juniors
April 23rd – Report Cards Come Home
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of our school administrators.
Dan Stevens (BHS Principal) –
Dave Wyatt (BLFH Principal) –
Chris Deines (Athletic Director) –
Have a Great Week and Go Blackhawks!
Your Partner in Education
Daniel M. Stevens
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